
Navigation Patches

Navigation Logic patches manages navigation, such as conditional navigation logic or and provides information about users' login status or group memberships.

Navigation logic is different from navigation menu patches.

Available patches

Is Logged In checks if the user is logged in.

Check Group Membership checks the user’s group membership.

Go Back automatically navigates back the selected number of steps, following the connections in patchwork.

Toggle Drawer is used to toggle the drawer menu; if you are using a drawer menu, this logic block will open or close the drawer with the menu items.

Toggle Context Menu is used to toggle the context menu;if you have a context menu this logic block will open/close the context menu

Toggle Sort Menu is used to toggle the sort menu; if you have a list view patch containing a sort menu this logic block will open/close the sort menu.

The block contains keys and a condition, which evaluates the keys according to rules to generate a final result of true or false, which then can be used to connect to other patches.

Async Logic Block is used when a user wants to allow five (5) or less separate asynchronous outputs to run logic in parallel.