Date picker


Add a Date Picker to the view.


Component Properties

Dimensions — The placement on the canvas (X and Y) and the size (width and height) of the component.

To move a component freely, the View Property tab must have the Free Positioning option checked.


Label — Set a text to be shown as the date pickers label.

Default Value — The date picker’s default date and time.

Input Value — Select a value from an input, configured under the View Properties tab.

On Change — Select event when the value is changed.

On Focus — Select event when the date picker gets focus.

On Blur — Select event when the date picker loses focus

Hide Component — The date picker can be hidden by applying a rule on a certain event.


Value — Select a value to be sent to output, configured under the View Properties tab.


Accessibility Label — Interface Accessibility label.

Accessibility Hint — Interface Accessibility hint.

Accessibility Role — Select an accessibility role, a function, for the component, to support disabled users.


Override — Override the currently selected style.

Text Color — Select the color of the component’s label text.

Text Font — Select the font of the date component’s label text.

Text Size — Select the font size of the component’s label text.

Text Style — Select the font style, normal or italic, of the component’s label text.

Text Weight — Select normal or bold text.

Text Align — Sets the alignment of the text, left, center or right.

Text Decoration — Adds underline or strike through decoration to the text.

Letter Spacing — Sets the space between letters.

Text Transform — Select if the text should be set to uppercase, lowercase or begin with a capital letter.

Border Color — Select the color of the component’s borders.

Border Style — Sets the style, solid, dotted or dashed, of the component’s border.

Border Width — Sets the width of the component’s border.

Background Color — Sets the background color of the component.

Background Image — Select an image as the component’s background.

Background Size — Select if the image should cover the component’s background, be centered, repeated or stretched.

Component Width — The width of the component inside the container (the component’s borders).

Component Height — The height of the component inside the container (the component’s borders)

Flex Direction — Select the main axis where flex items will be placed, for instance horizontal or vertical (along a row or in a column).

Justify Content — Select how flex items will be placed in relation to each other, for instance towards the start of the flex direction, or with space between.

Align Content — Select how flex items will be placed in relation to the components border.

Align Items — Select how flex items will be placed in relation to the flex direction.

Border Top Color — The color of the component’s top border.

Border Top Width — The width of the component’s top border.

Border Bottom Color — The color of the component’s bottom border.

Border Bottom Width — The width of the component’s bottom border.

Border Left Color — The color of the component’s left border.

Border Left Width — The width of the component’s left border.

Border Right Color — The color of the component’s right border.

Border Right Width The width of the component’s right border.

Border Top Left Radius — Sets the rounding of the top left corner.

Border Bottom Left Radius — Sets the rounding of the bottom left corner.

Border Top Right Radius — Sets the rounding of the top right corner.

Border Bottom Right Radius — Sets the rounding of the bottom right corner.

Border Radius (All) — Sets the rounding of all corners.

Border Style — Sets the style, solid, dotted or dashed, of the component’s border.

Shadow — Adds a shadow to the component’s borders.

Opacity — Sets the opacity of the component.

Component Padding — Sets the padding, top, bottom, left, right of the component inside the container (the component’s borders).

Component Container Padding — Sets the padding, top, bottom, left, right of the component container (the component’s borders).