

Components are the individual building blocks that make up the user interface (UI) and functionality of your app.

Each component represents a specific piece of the app, such as buttons, text fields, images, menus, forms, or custom elements. Components can be customized and configured to interact with data, respond to user actions, and display content dynamically.

Key Types of Components:

UI Components: Visual elements like buttons, text boxes, images, icons, sliders, etc., that users can interact with.

Layout Components: Containers or grids that define how components are organized and positioned on the screen.

Data Components: Elements that display or manage data, such as tables, charts, or dynamic lists connected to databases or APIs.

Interactive Components: Components like forms, input fields, or toggle switches that capture user input and trigger actions or events.

Types of Components available in Appspotr CMS Design Builder

Inputs: Components like text fields, checkboxes, or dropdowns that allow users to enter or select data.

Buttons: Interactive elements that trigger actions when clicked, such as submitting a form or navigating to another screen.

Media: Components that display multimedia content, such as images, videos, or audio files within the app.

Output: Elements that present calculated or processed data, such as charts, graphs, or result displays.

Status: Components that show the current state of the app or system, such as loading spinners, progress bars, or error messages.

Text Display: Static or dynamic text elements that present information, instructions, or labels to users.

Viewers: Components used to display detailed content, such as document viewers, image galleries, or video players for in-app viewing.