

App distribution involves the process of making your app available to users across various platforms, such as web, iOS, and Android.

Effective app distribution ensures your app reaches the intended audience and functions seamlessly across different devices and environments.

The platforms must be configured in the Configuration view before distribution.


Distributions List include the following information


Date and time that the build was requested.

Platform Version

The specific version of the system

Build Number

The unique identifier assigned to a specific iteration of an app

Starts at 1.

Bundle Short Version

Referred to as the version number, is a user-facing identifier that indicates the release version of an app.

Follows a format like "1.0" to signify major and minor updates.


The current state of the app in the deployment process.

Queue position

App’s place or ranking in the approval process.

Estimated time

The projected duration before an app completes the approval process.