View Properties


The view properties lets you configure in detail how the view should look and behave.



Identifier used in the CMS.

The identifier should reflect content or function.


Sets the inside padding (distance to borders).

Unit is pixels.






Display settings for the view background.


Override the currently selected style.


Opens a color picker for the background color.


Lets you select image to display in the background.

The image must exist in the Assets library.

Image size

How to scale or stretch the image.

For more information about the options, see image size.


Create and configure inputs for use in the list views components.

The inputs are used in the patchwork when connecting patches.


Available States.


Create and configure outputs for use in the list views components.

The outputs are used in the patchwork when connecting patches.

Calendar Layout


Select the type of calendar.

Start Date

Select a start date.

End Date

Select an end date.

Map Layout


Enter a place, for instance a city or country, as the map’s starting location.

Center Coordinate and Zoom

Enter a place, for instance a city or country, or coordinates as the starting map’s location.

Zoom with the scroll wheel on your mouse or with + and - on the keyboard.

View Layout Mode

Proportional positioning

Center the components on the screen regardless of screen size.

Requires Free Positioning.

Free positioning

Allow components to move freely on the canvas.

Layout Options

Enable Landscape Layout

Enable landscape mode of the view.

Row Options

Show Separator

Show a separator between rows.


Display color for row separators.

List Grouping Headers


Override the currently selected style.

Background Color

Sets the background color of the component.

Font Color

Select the color of the component’s text.

Font Family

Select the font of the component’s text.

Font Weight

Select normal or bold text.

Font Size

Select the font size of the component’s text

Font Style

Select normal or italic text.

Text Decoration

Adds underline or strike through decoration to the text.

Text Transform

Select if the text should be set to uppercase, lowercase or begin with a capital letter.

Text Shadow Color

Sets the shadow color of the text.

Text Shadow Radius

Sets the rounding of the text’s shadow.

Letter Spacing

Sets the space between letters

Number of Lines

The number of lines in a list.

Ellipsize Mode

Select how to handle ellipsis if, for instance a list doesn’t fit the container.

Flex Direction

Select the main axis where flex items will be placed, for instance horizontal or vertical (along a row or in a column).

Justify Content

Select how flex items will be placed in relation to each other, for instance towards the start of the flex direction, or with space between.

Align Items

Select how flex items will be placed in relation to the flex direction.

Padding Top

Sets the top padding of the component.

Padding Right

Sets the right padding of the component.

Padding Bottom

Sets the bottom padding of the component.

Padding Left

Sets the left padding of the component.

Border Top Color

The color of the component’s top border.

Border Top Width

The width of the component’s top border.

Border Right Color

The color of the component’s right border.

Border Right Width

The width of the component’s right border

Border Bottom Color

The color of the component’s bottom border.

Border Bottom Width

The width of the component’s bottom border.

Border Left Color

The color of the component’s left border.

Border Left Width

The width of the component’s left border.

Border Style

Sets the style, solid, dotted or dashed, of the component’s border.

solid, dotted, dashed

Border Radius

Rounding of the corners.

Unit is pixels.



