
List View configuration

When selected in patchwork, the configuration dialog for the list view patch is shown on the right.


Identifier for the view in the CMS.

The identifier should reflect content or function.

Patch Name Accessibility Label

Interface Accessibility label.

Patch Name Accessibility Hint

Interface Accessibility hint.


Select an icon to be associated with the patch on the app’s menus and in the Patchwork view.

Top Bar Behavior

Configure the behavior of the app’s top bar, when the user is on this patch.

The behavior can be Inherited from the app’s menu, or set to Visible, Invisible or Hide on Scroll.

Top Bar Type

Sets the Top Bar Type to Title, Image or None.

Top Bar alignment

Sets the alignment, Center, Left or Right, of the top bar.

Back Accessibility Label

Interface Accessibility label.

Back Accessibility Hint

Interface Accessibility hint.

Map Inputs To Outputs

By mapping inputs to an outputs, data can be transferred directly through the view.


Adds padding to the Top, Bottom, Left and Right of the list view.


Add Color or an Image to the background. This overrides the settings made when designing the list view. Select if the image should be centered, repeated, stretched, and so on.


The data type, List, Calendar, Gallery or Map to be shown in the list view.

List Source

Select the dataset to be shown in the list view.

Filter Items

Filter the items in the list.

Alternate Views

Create alternate presentation of the list based on the content.

On End Reached Threshold(0-1)

Set a value between 0 and 1 to define at what distance the end is reached, when loading the list.

Group By

Select a column to group by.

Order By

Select a column to order by, according to ordering.


Choose ascending or descending ordering.


Used to highlight an item or entry.


Make the list sortable. Name the different sorting options.

Sort Menu Accessibility Label

Interface Accessibility label.

Sort Menu Accessibility Hint

Interface Accessibility hint.

Menu Item Label

Label for the menu item.

Menu Item Accessibility Label

Interface Accessibility label.

Menu Item Accessibility Hint

Interface Accessibility hint.

Ascending Label

Label of the ascending sort option.

Ascending Accessibility Label

Interface Accessibility label.

Ascending Accessibility Hint

Interface Accessibility hint.

Descending Label

Label of the descending sort option.

Descending Accessibility Label

Interface Accessibility label.

Descending Accessibility Hint

Interface Accessibility hint.

Column Selection Placeholder

Select a placeholder column.

Column Selection Accessibility Label

Interface Accessibility label.

Column Selection Accessibility Hint

Interface Accessibility hint


Add a search box to find items in the list.

Search Accessibility Label

Interface Accessibility label.

Search Accessibility Hint

Interface Accessibility hint.

Loading Property

Select if a spinner should show while loading a dataset from an external source.

Empty List or Dataset

Configures behavior if the list is empty.


Select an icon for the empty list.

Icon Color

Select the icon’s color.


Set a text to be shown.

Text Size

Set text size.


Connections coming in to this patch.


Connections going out from this patch.